Nakajima/Liang Laboratory, Institute of Science Tokyo


Publications - 2003

  1. 2025
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  7. 2019
  8. 2018
  9. 2017
  10. 2016
  11. 2015
  12. 2014
  13. 2013
  14. 2012
  15. 2011
  16. 2010
  17. 2009
  18. 2008
  19. 2007
  20. 2006
  21. 2005
  22. 2004
  23. 2003
  24. 2002
  25. 2001
  26. 2000
  27. 1999
  28. 1998
  29. 1997
  30. 1996
  31. 1993

Original Articles

Title: Biological Imaging with a Near-Field Optical Setup
Author(s): Morgan Denyer, Ruggero Micheletto, Ken Nakajima, Masahiko Hara, Satoshi Okazaki
Source: J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Volume: 3 Pages: 496-502 Year: 2003
Published: 01 Dec., 2003

Title: Novel Light-Illumination Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Equipped with Optical Fiber Probe
Author(s): Ken Nakajima*, Bumhwan Lee, Shuji Takeda, Jaegeun Noh, Teruyuki Nagamune, Masahiko Hara
Source: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Volume: 42(7B) Pages: 4861-4865 Year: 2003
Published: 01 JuI., 2003
