Nakajima/Liang Laboratory, Institute of Science Tokyo


Publications - 2013

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Original Articles

Title: Dielectrophoretically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes to Control Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Hydrogels to Fabricate Contractile Muscle Myofibers
Author(s): Javier Ramón-Azcón, Samad Ahadian, Mehdi Estili, Xiaobin Liang, Serge Ostrovidov, Hirokazu Kaji, Hitoshi Shiku, Murugan Ramalingam, Ken Nakajima, Yoshio Sakka, Ali Khademhosseini* and Tomokazu Matsue*
Source: Adv. Matr. Volume: 25 Pages: 4028-4034 Year: 2013
Published: 25 Jun., 2013

Title: Atomic Force Microscopy Nanomechanics Visualizes Molecular Diffusion and Microstructure at an Interface
Author(s): Dong Wang*, Thomas P. Russell, Toshio Nishi, and Ken Nakajima
Source: ACS Macro Lett. Volume: 2 Pages: 757-760 Year: 2013
Published: 06 Aug., 2013

Title: Engineered Nanomembranes for Directing Cellular Organization Toward Flexible Biodevices
Author(s): Toshinori Fujie, Samad Ahadian, Hao Liu, Haixin Chang, Serge Ostrovidov, Hongkai Wu, Hojae Bae, Ken Nakajima, Hirokazu Kaji and Ali Khademhosseini*
Source: Nano Lett. Volume: 13 Pages: 3185-3192 Year: 2013
Published: 11 Jun., 2013

Title: Alkaline peroxide treatment induces acquired unruly hair by apparently affecting distinct macrofibrils
Author(s): Teppei Nawa*, Aiko Kawaguchi, Hiroki Kitano, Toshihiko Yamamoto, So Fujinami, Naoki Asao and Ken Nakajima
Source: J. Cosmet. Sci. Volume: 64 Pages: 261-271 Year: 2013
Published: 14 Feb., 2013

Title: Nanorheological Mapping of Rubbers by Atomic Force Microscopy
Author(s): Takaaki Igarashi*, So Fujinami, Toshio Nishi, Naoki Asao and Ken Nakajima
Source: Macromolecules Volume: 46 Pages: 1916-1922 Year: 2013
Published: 22 Feb., 2013

Title: Mechanical Regulation of Cellular Adhesion onto Honeycomb-Patterned Porous Scaffolds by Altering the Elasticity of Material Surfaces
Author(s): Takahito Kawano, Yuki Nakamichi, So Fujinami, Ken Nakajima, Hiroshi Yabu* and Masatsugu Shimomura
Source: Biomacromolecules Volume: 14 Pages: 1208-1213 Year: 2013
Published: 19 Mar., 2013
