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Title: Investigating the Dynamic Viscoelasticity of Single Polymer Chains using Atomic Force Microscopy
Author(s): Xiaobin Liang ,* Ken Nakajima
Source: J. Polym. Sci Part B Polym. Phys. Volume: 57 Pages: 1736_1743 Year: 2019
Published: 26 Nov., 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/polb.24908
Title: Analytical methods to derive the elastic modulus of soft and adhesive materials from atomic force microcopy force measurements
Author(s): So Fujinami,* Eijun Ueda, Ken Nakajima, Toshio Nishi
Source: J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys. Volume: 57 Pages: 1279_1286 Year: 2019
Published: 15 Aug., 2019
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/polb.24871
Title: Mechanical property and structure of a butadiene rubber composite filled with syndiotactic polybutadiene resin
Author(s): Yuki Takahashi,* Xiaobin Liang , Ken Nakajima*
Source: J. Appl. Polym. Sci. Volume: 136 Pages: 47934 Year: 2019
Published: 07 May., 2019
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/APP.47934
Title: Liquid Marbles in Nature: Craft of Aphids for Survival
Author(s): Moe Kasahara, Shin-ichi Akimoto, Takahiko Hariyama, Yasuharu Takaku, Shin-ichi Yusa, Shun Okada, Ken Nakajima, Tomoyasu Hirai, Hiroyuki Mayama, Satoshi Okada, Shigeru Deguchi, Yoshinobu Nakamura, and Syuji Fujii*
Source: Langmuir Volume: 35 Pages: 6169−6178 Year: 2019
Published: 16 Apr., 2019
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b00771
Title: Adhesion properties of polyacrylic block copolymer pressure-sensitive adhesives and analysis by pulse NMR and AFM force curve
Author(s): Shun Okada, Yusuke Kashihara, Tomoyasu Hirai , Syuji Fujii , Yoshinobu Nakamura ,* Yoshiaki Urahama, Makiko Ito, Xiaobin Liang , Ken Nakajima
Source: J. Appl. Polym. Sci. Volume: 136 Pages: 47791 Year: 2019
Published: 29 Mar., 2019
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/app.47791
Title: Dynamic Moduli Mapping of Silica-Filled Styrene−Butadiene Rubber Vulcanizate by Nanorheological Atomic Force Microscopy
Author(s): Eijun Ueda, Xiaobin Liang, Makiko Ito, and Ken Nakajima*
Source: Macromolecules Volume: 52 Pages: 311−319 Year: 2019
Published: 21 Dec., 2018
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.macromol.8b02258
著者:中嶋 健
掲載誌:高分子 巻・号:68(12) 頁:642、掲載年:2019
著者:中嶋 健
掲載誌:CERI NEWS 巻・号:88(October) 頁:2 掲載年:2019
DOI: https://www.cerij.or.jp/cerinews/cn_pdf/cerinews_088.pdf
著者:中嶋 健
掲載誌:高分子 巻・号:68 (3) 頁:132-136 掲載年:2019
題目:熱可塑性エラストマーの開発と市場 2019
著者:中嶋 健、小谷菜那子
書籍名:「開発編 第7章 熱可塑性エラストマーにおける動的ネットワークのナノスケール構造・物性解析」 頁:76-88